Notion Habit Tracker (Pixel Aesthetic)
Dalandan Studio
This Notion template for habit tracking aims to give a wholistic view in checking your habits, while keeping it cute at the same time. <3 This template has quite some functionality in what it can do, but I wanted to keep it pretty simple at the same time.
Features include:
- Goals next to habits to reinforce habit making
- Calendar view for a journal feel and Checker view for measuring how often you did your habits
- Repeat template to make daily tracking easier
- Mark when you start a new habit
- Feedback form if you want to make improvements to the Habit Tracker Notion Template
I like keeping this sort of habit tracker to realistically see how often I did a habit in a year, what kind of goals would I like to aim for to reinforce habits, and keep track of when I started a habit.
Video Tutorial:
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Notion Template
Video Explanation
In description
Feedback Form
In template
Aesthetic Style
Pixel Art themed
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